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在 Valve 官方服务器上,某些类型的移动/射击输入自动化(例如硬件辅助急停)现在会被检测到,导致被踢出比赛
输入绑定如果包含以下命令中的一个以上,现在将被默认忽略。可以使用受作弊保护的参数"cl_allow_multi_input_binds 1" 重新启用支持。
sprint, reload, attack, attack2, turnleft, turnright, turnup, turndown, forward, back, left, right, moveup, movedown, klook, use, jump, duck, strafe, zoom, yaw, pitch, forwardback, rightleft
[VacNet ]
VacNet 3.0 已开始在有限的比赛中进行初步测试。如果你认为你的比赛被错误地取消了,请将比赛详情电邮至 csgoteamfeedback@valvesoftware.com
Side-stepping Skill
我们不再允许规避这些核心技能的自动化操作(通过脚本或硬件),而且从现在开始(最初--仅限于 Valve 官方服务器),涉嫌通过单个游戏输入自动执行多个玩家操作的玩家可能会被踢出比赛。
如果您的键盘具有输入自动功能(例如 “snaptap模式”),请务必在参加比赛前禁用该功能,以避免比赛中断。
Counter-Strike is constantly evolving. From art, to maps, to inventive plays, and even player input, the CS community shapes the game.
Scripting and automating player commands has always been contentious, but over the years some forms of scripting (e.g., jump-throws) have gained acceptance, as they enable plays that wouldn't otherwise be possible. In fact, jump-throws became such an important part of the game that we've done the work to make them reliable without any special scripting or binds (i.e., by jumping and quickly throwing a grenade).
Developing one's coordination and reaction time has always been key to mastering Counter-Strike.
Recently, some hardware features have blurred the line between manual input and automation, so we've decided to draw a clear line on what is or isn't acceptable in Counter-Strike.
We are no longer going to allow automation (via scripting or hardware) that circumvent these core skills and, moving forward, (and initially--exclusively on Valve Official Servers) players suspected of automating multiple player actions from a single game input may be kicked from their match.
To prevent accidental infractions, in-game binds that include more than one movement and/or attack actions will no longer work (e.g., null-binds and jump-throw binds).
If you have a keyboard that includes an input-automation feature (e.g., "Snap Tap Mode"), be sure to disable the feature before you join a match in order to avoid any interruption to your matches.
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